Many of us are aware of the coming financial collapse and a few are aware that we are entering the Grand Solar Minimum or Mini Ice Age.
I listen to many you tube channels. There is great information out there, for those that are searching.
Some have embraced the religion of preparedness, and are taking preventive measures to ensure the survival of their families in the face of disaster. The dangers that are looming ahead are serious and may include: WWIII, permanent grid failure, pole shift, food scarcity, financial collapse, revolutions, etc.
We are ALL afraid to die. Therefore, we learned to survive, but I still don’t know how to live!
As a good white sheep, I had chosen to ignore the prophets of doom and gloom and bury my head in the sand. When I reached the frequency of the black sheep, I found the courage to face and prepare for the impending apocalypse.
Eighteen years later, my level of consciousness has changed. Now I KNOW that I am not a reproducer (producing babies), but a creatrix. I took the decision to live and make the transfer of power from my ego to my soul. I am now at the level of consciousness of the sovereign mare. I continue to have fears, but I no longer am in the sheep survival mode. Unlimited life is what I strive for, but I am far from being invincible. Invincibility will manifest itself, when I reach the consciousness of he winged mare, where there is no more fear or ego.
Lee and I continue to prepare for our physical survival. We are developing this coffee farm into a Sacha Inchi, avocado and coffee farm. We are also planting corn, beens, yucca and squash in the middle of the rows of Sacha Inchi. The farm has tons of banana and plantain trees as well as lemon, orange, and other fruit trees. We will never starve in this environment, but this is not bringing me joy and peace. I now understand that this apocalypse which we are facing is necessary, for my transformation of consciousness and that of humanity. As I slowly die to survival, I awaken to real life.
This process sounds pretty simple with words but it is NOT EASY!
I must first cross the wall of death without dying. My ego cries and my soul rejoices, as I discover life-without-dearth. This is an AMAZING adventure but one that is extremely difficult. I can no longer fall back into sheep mode. This would mean refusing my true identity. My transformation of consciousness would stop and I would die. NO WAY!
I remember back in July of 2012, Ghis agreed to meet with me in Montreal. I had to take a BIG DECISION. Ghis told me that I can always choose to go back into the system, make a deal with the tax authorities and come up with a payment plan. Ghis knew what the consequences were for me, if I did not make this easier choice of making a deal, and going back. My ego mind was lying to me, like it always does, and I was not ready to hear the truth of what consequences I will face it I go forwards, instead go backwards. I broke down in tears to such a level, that Ghis was concerned about my 2 hour drive back to Ottawa. Ghis called me a few hours later to make sure I got home OK, and she asked me if I am still going forwards with my decision of not making a deal with the authorities. One month later, I understood what consequences I had to face.
By making the difficult decisions along my journey, I am slowly healing. I do not regret for a second making these decisions which have brought many challenges into my life since the end of 2011. The transitional period which starts after crossing the wall, will last for years, maybe the rest of my physical life. I may not make it to the finish line and become an accomplished being, but at least I now Live.
I am less and less in survival mode.
Will I make it to - life without fear? I trust I will, but it does not matter, because the alternative survival filled with fear, is unacceptable to me.
Daily action allows by body to slowly transform. I consciously try not to live with expectations. I trust my true-self the creatrix. I know I create every detail, of everything that surrounds me and I created the healing sounds of a waterfall into my physical existence for the rest of this physical existence.
Join me on this AMAZING journey.
I trust I will be sharing this energy of the healing sound of a waterfall and Infinitelove with you soon.
“Truth-Consciousness” workshop at Cascada Café Retiro in Popayán, Colombia: February 3-7, 2020 in English and March 2-6, 2020 in Spanish.
también en Español