
How to Stop Worrying What People Think

How to Stop Worrying What People Think How much do you care what people think? Is it driving you?

I used to let it drive me and keep me from doing things I wanted to do. While I can't say it never affects me at all and so I'm still a work in progress, I've been able to move beyond old ways of being in regard to letting go worrying about what (I imagine) others think of me.

Here are the 4 Understandings to put into practice to let go of being controlled by what others think.

1. When we're worrying about other's judgement of us, we're in their business instead of our own. We're mentally over there imagining what might be going on in their heads, instead of being responsible for our own thoughts and actions. Come back to managing your own business.

2. People judge. Accept that people WILL judge you, to diffuse the fear and the power it has on you.

3. Recognise that you judge. Focus on being less judgmental yourself and you'll naturally then be less worried about others judging you. The more you judge, the more you worry about others judging you.

4. Value yourself and others EQUALLY. You're worried they'll think less of you or criticise you. But when we truly live from the point of view of EQUALITY, that we are all equal and what others think of us has NOTHING to do with your WORTH or VALUE. Your worth and VALUE must come from you.

Here's to you stepping into being the best, most authentic version of you that you can be every day!

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kelly hine,self development,personal development,spiritual development,mindfulness,meditation,stop worrying,worry,

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