
DM desires Justice after Judgement. DF Stepping into Power of Surrender. Forgiveness = Wholeness.

DM desires Justice after Judgement. DF Stepping into Power of Surrender. Forgiveness = Wholeness. DF/DM Energy Update. Cameo made by one of my children so if interruptions bother you this isnt the video for you. Take what resonates and leave the rest. General Message for Collective.

Video Notes: 25:25 on the 25th.
Inner child requires attention. Judgement brings Justice. Integrating Forgiveness.
DM to DF: Please hold space for me while I wait on Divine Guidance on how to move forward
DF to DM: I will wait contentedly while the scales come into balance so we can leave hell behind us and bring heaven to earth.

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DM,df,divine masculine,divine feminine,energy update,collective,justice,judgement,forgiveness,

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