
[ULTIMATE!] Saiki K. Subliminal || Controlled Abilities Bonus!

[ULTIMATE!] Saiki K. Subliminal || Controlled Abilities Bonus! Hello, thank you for being so patient with me, guys! I’m terribly sorry for the hiatus on my channel, so please accept this Saiki K. subliminal as my apology! I worked really hard on this! Also, I excluded Saiki’s time leap ability to prevent the butterfly effect, or just majorly screwing up our world. Btw, I had this video unlisted for a week because I was working on some stuff like the affirmation side effects list.

Subliminal Advice:
-Listen at a comfortable volume
-Drink plenty of water, at least half a bottle before, during, and after listening in total
-Be confident in yourself! Just because you don’t see results doesn’t mean you have them! Btw, act as if you already have results!
-Don’t obsess over results, just relax and trust that they’ll come!

☕️Be an extremely powerful psychic
☕️Have complete control over your powers
☕️Intuitively know how to use all of your powers
☕️Apport: The ability to swap out objects for something of equal value, or within a 10% range of its value.
☕️Astral Projection: You are a master of astral projection, being capable of separating your astral from your body at will. You can put it back at any time!
-Be able to also separate other peoples’ astrals from their body at will, and put it back at any time~
☕️Bilocation: The ability to create clones any time you wish.
-You can control how your clones look.
-You can control how your clones act.
-Your clones feel everything that you feel.
-You can make your clones disappear at any time you like.
☕️Clairvoyance: The ability to see locations at any time, as long as you’ve been to the desired location you wish to see.
-Activate this ability by crossing your eyes!
☕️Cryokinesis: The ability to generate ice at will.
-With your cryokinesis, you can also let temperatures drop for the atmosphere around you and for objects at will.
☕️Misfortune: This ability allows you to curse anyone at will, just by touching them!
-Be able to choose the curse for your victim at will, choosing what will happen to them and when.
-Be able to cancel out their misfortune curse at any time!
☕️Levitation/Flight: This ability gives you the ability to fly.
-Be able to reach speeds in flight such as 20 miles per hour, or reach even subsonic speeds!
☕️Hypnosis: Allows you to put others under a state of high suggestion at will.
-Using your hypnosis, you can allow others to see any illusion of your choice.
☕️Hydrokinesis: Allows you to manipulate water and water-based liquids at will in any aspect. (Ex: viscosity, temperature, phase)
☕️Invisibility: Allows you to become invisible, unseen by most, if not all.
-You becomes visible again after ten minutes, or after touching someone.
-You can make others invisible as well, as long as you touch them as you activate the power.
-If your invisibility is deactivated, you cannot use it for one minute.
☕️Memory Elimination: You can eliminate any desired memory from anyone by giving them a strong impact to the head.
☕️Mind Control: The ability to influence the minds of others, whether one person or the entire world.
-Allows you to change their beliefs, whether in a minor or major way.
-Depending on the new belief, it could even alter the world such as by altering human biology down to the genetic level as a whole.



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