
The Pleasanton City Council Proclaims Muslim Appreciation Month

The Pleasanton City Council Proclaims Muslim Appreciation Month The Pleasanton City Council joins communities throughout California in recognizing the month of August 2019 as Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month.

Pleasanton Vice-Mayor Karla Brown reads the Proclamation on Monday, September 3, 2019 at Council Chambers. The full text is below. Video courtesy of City of Pleasanton.

The Proclamation acknowledges the rich history and guiding virtues of American Muslims, and commends Muslim communities in California for the lasting positive impact they have made, and continue to make, toward the advancement of the state and the nation.

The Proclamation recognizes the MCC East Bay and the Islamic Center Of Zahra, Hub 925 as fulfilling the spiritual and cultural needs of Pleasanton residents and the two Islamic centers and the HUB925 promoting interfaith cooperation by providing an environment for dialogue, education, and fellowship. The full text of the proclamation is below.

The Pleasanton City Council follows in the steps of other City Councils in the San Francisco Bay Area, like Dublin, San Ramon, Santa Clara, Union City, Oakland, San Jose, and Redwood City.

Spojmie Nasiri (CAIR-SFBA) and Munir Safi (MCC East Bay) accept the Proclamation on behalf of Pleasanton Muslims.


American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month
City of Pleasanton

WHEREAS, Freedom of religion holds distinction as a cherished right and a fundamental value upon which this nation was founded; and

WHEREAS, enriched by the unparalleled diversity of its residents, the City of Pleasanton takes great pride in supporting individual religious freedoms and is strengthened by the many varied religious, political, and cultural traditions and contributions of its diverse populations, including those Americans who practice Islam and;

WHEREAS, Muslims have been part of U.S. history from the beginning and have contributed to the production of wealth and construction of the nation; they are also part of the rich history of the civil rights movement; and

WHEREAS, over 90,000 Muslims live in Alameda County , and make innumerable contributions to the cultural, political, and economic fabric and well-being of California and the United States; and

WHEREAS, American Muslims are teachers, lawyers, doctors, social workers, tech workers, nurses, business owners among numerous other valued professions, as well as peace builders, activists, entrepreneurs, and politicians; and

WHEREAS, the MCC–East Bay and the Islamic Center of Zahra fulfill the spiritual and cultural needs of Pleasanton residents and the two Islamic centers promote interfaith cooperation by providing an environment for dialogue, education, and fellowship; and

WHEREAS, the MCC hosts a monthly Tri-Valley Muslims Caring Community event to clean its adopted stretch of the Interstate I-680, and hosts a variety of ongoing programs such as Sunday School, language classes, basketball programs, youth group meetings, martial arts training, interfaith and humanitarian events, and book clubs; and

WHEREAS, the Islamic Center of Zahra holds various interfaith events, youth programs, language classes, cooking competitions, and classes from parenting to professional development. The Center is home to the Zahra (SA) Islamic school serving Muslim Students from Pre-K to 11th grade. The Center hosts an annual Humanitarians for Hussain event intended to spread the universal message for peace and justice though providing care packages for the homeless, dental services, and a blood drive; and

WHEREAS, HUB925 strives to build an active and thoughtful community by focusing on a holistic approach to the health and healing of the body, mind and spirit. The HUB offers a variety of fitness and sports activities, various spa therapies, and interfaith programs in order to accomplish their goal to foster understanding and community; and

WHEREAS, American Muslims in California continue to face harassment, assault, and discrimination; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate to acknowledge and promote awareness of the myriad of invaluable contributions of American Muslims in California and across the country, and extend to them the respect and camaraderie every American deserves.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, The City of Pleasanton does hereby proclaim August 2019 as American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month to acknowledge the rich history, contributions, and guiding virtues of American Muslims and to commend all Muslim communities in California for the lasting positive impact they have made toward the advancement of our city and country.

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