
Links - Inbound, Internal and Outbound

Links - Inbound, Internal and Outbound Inbound Links, Internal Links and Outbound Links

Links are more then just URL, It's much much more than that. It’s an important element of or on a page. From an inbound marketing and SEO standpoint, links are divided into three different categories: internal links, outbound links, and inbound links. Let understand what inbound, internal and outbound links are one by one and why there are so important.

Inbound Links:
Inbound links are all URLs that redirect the user to your website from an external source. In simple
words, those links that are pointing to your website from other websites, social media pages, forums etc.

Inbound links help you in terms of SEO and Referrals
SEO: Inbound links tell site crawlers that your website is an authority on a certain subject -- so the more inbound links you have from high quality, high authority sites, the better your website can rank in searchengine results pages (SERPs).

Referral Traffic: If someone posts an inbound link on their website or blog, people who see that link might click on it, and you will benefit from that referral traffic. Also Since you know which referral programs are getting you more traffic, you invest to nurture those referrals.

Internal Links:
Internal links are links of your website pages that are placed within your websites like your internal pages, blog post, and landing pages. It's important to have internal links in the pages as it helps your visitors to navigate through your website easily. Internal links help your visitors to explorer your content and check all your offers and products quickly which makes a big difference and helps you with conversion.

Pro Tip: Always keep your internal links as a relative path.

For Example:
This is your internal page link
Then always use the relative path like /your-internal-page

There are 2 benefits of using a relative path,

1. if you switch from HTTP to HTTPS or changing your domain with the same pages, using relative instead of absolute paths, will save the time for changing all internal links on your website.

2. when a visitor clicks on a link with a relative path, your site will be able to respond and serve the target page much faster

Outbound Links:
Outbounds are all the URLs which redirects the visitors to another websites and are placed within your website. Outbound links are also called external links.

Outbound links are also called External Links.
Outbound links have some positive effects on your SEO but only if you link to high authority pages with relevant content.



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