
Australian of the Year: Julia Rollings, children's rights advocate #AOTY2020 #ausoftheyear

Australian of the Year: Julia Rollings, children's rights advocate #AOTY2020 #ausoftheyear Julia Rollings has been a foster carer for over two decades – supporting 50 babies, children and young people through difficult periods of their lives. As a volunteer crisis carer, she often looks after infants who are medically fragile, withdrawing from drugs, or who have experienced significant trauma.

Julia's dedication and relentless passion for Canberra's most vulnerable children sees her spend up to months in hospital – caring for babies who may transition home to their birth families or to long term care. In 2009, she was awarded Barnardos ACT Mother of the Year Award for her work as a champion for children's rights.

Drawing on past experience in the out of home care sector, Julia supports other carers through her role on the Carer Wellbeing Sub-Committee. She has also held various volunteer positions within adoption support groups, including President of the Adoptive Families Association (ACT). An adoptive mother to seven children, Julia recorded her story in her book Love Our Way.

Australian of the Year Awards:

Each year our nation celebrates the achievements and contributions of eminent Australians through the Australian of the Year Awards by profiling leading citizens who are role models for us all.
They inspire us through their achievements and challenge us to make our own contribution to creating a better Australia.

The Awards honour an exceptional group of highly respected Australians who ignite discussion and change on issues of national importance.

The Australian of the Year Awards provides everyone with the opportunity to recognise any Australian who makes them proud.

The four Australian of the Year categories are:
Australian of the Year
Senior Australian of the Year (those aged 65 years or over)
Young Australian of the Year (ages 16 to 30)
Australia's Local Hero

The Awards operate at two levels - State/Territory and national.
State and Territory selection committees select four nominees for each Award category, with one of these nominees being announced as the State/Territory Award recipient.
The National Australia Day Council Board selects the Australians of the Year from the group of 32 State and Territory recipients.

The prestigious year-round program culminates in the announcement of the National Award recipients in Canberra on Australia Day Eve.

For more information on the Australian of the Year Awards, read about the history of how recipients are chosen:

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#AOTY2020 #ausoftheyear

ABC,Australia,Australian of the Year,Senior Australian of the Year,Young Australian of the Year,Australia's Local Hero,2020,AOTY2020,Australian of the Year 2020,foster care,babies,children,child welfare,love,crisis care,infants,Barnardos ACT Mother of the Year Award,adoption,children's rights,Love Our Way,family,trauma,foster carer,

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