
Will there be a sudden, earth shattering “event” like so many predict | Benjamin Fulford

Will there be a sudden, earth shattering “event” like so many predict | Benjamin Fulford . For thousands of years, monotheism has predicted some sort of earth-changing event. Some call it the end times, others a rapture, and others the return (or arrival) of the Messiah. These days there are New Age versions talking about things like motherships from the galaxy coming to introduce us to a whole new universe.

As a reality-based reporter gathering information from the real world, religious beliefs (be they ancient or New Age) fall out of my purview. Nonetheless, over three decades of reporting from the highest levels of world power have left me with enough hard evidence to be convinced that we, at the very least, are entering a new age.

Let me start with some of the weirder stuff I have encountered, before getting down to here-and-now confirmable evidence for this. There’s a shelf I keep in my brain where I store information that does not fit into my worldview and I’m not sure what to do with.

For example, there is a Japanese gentleman who sometimes comes to my public speaking engagements who claims he has been working on Mars, terraforming. Apart from making these claims, he seems to be a very sane Japanese government official. He says that recently all access to Mars has been cut off.

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