
Truckers HOURS OF SERVICE rules to be relaxed in 2019

Truckers HOURS OF SERVICE rules to be relaxed in 2019 Rules Limiting Truckers' Driving Time Set to be Relaxed. The hours of service rules have not been announced as of yet . Truckers are wanting to know what the changes are .

While the trucking industry has long been fighting to relax the federal guidelines that limit how long drivers can stay on the road before stopping to rest, safety advocates warn that the move would weaken the regulations too much, leading to safety hazards that come with driver fatigue.

Current regulations limit long-haul truck drivers to 11 hours of driving within a 14 hour on-duty time period. Drivers must have had 10 consecutive hours off duty before on-duty time starts again. Additionally, truckers who are going to be driving for more than eight hours must take a 30-minute break before reaching the eight-hour mark.

If drivers violate the rules, they can be marked as out of service for a day or more, the Associated Press reported. And because most drivers are paid by the mile, if they are not driving, they will not make money.

Administration moves to ease drive-time rules for truckers,Rules Limiting Truckers' Driving Time Set to be Relaxed,hours of service,eld mandate,

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