
Gimme Dozens, Counting by Twelve

Gimme Dozens, Counting by Twelve This illustrated song tells of things that you would want to have by the dozen -- months, minutes, hours, cupcakes, eggs, cousins, beads, books, rubber bands, and light bulbs. It gives the student helpful strategies for skip counting by twelves using a tens chart, patterning, regrouping and place value. Opportunities to skip count by twelves and the twelves times tables are placed throughout.

Counting by twelves,Associative Law of Addition,tens chart,saffan,janet,saffan and janet,dozens,twelves times tables,minutes,hours,hours in a day,minutes in an hour,place value,ones and tens,patternss,twelves patterns,Sieve of Eratosthenes,skip count by twelves,regrouping,count by 12,

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