
Our Homesteading World Collaboration with Deep South Homestead

Our Homesteading World Collaboration with Deep South Homestead MENTIONS:
Deep South Homestead: Our Homestead World

Freedom Using Farm and Arbor Homestead:

Florida Urban Homesteading Nonprofit:

Our Homestead World is a worldwide collaboration. Feel free to join us. Details below:
1. Where in the world are you? (Country)
2. Where approximately is your homestead located? You do not have to give specifics but and east of a major city or west of would help.
3. What is the size of your homestead?
4. Is your homestead rural or urban?
5. What is the climate and weather like?
6. What is the growing season? ( first and last frost)
7. Do you have any animals?
8. What fruits, veggies, grains do you grow?
9. How do you grow your crops? organic, intensive, commercial, raised bed, container, row gardening, BTE, Greenhouse, etc
10. Do you sell any produce, animals or things you create for income?
11. Do you grow solely for your own needs?
12. Do you have health issues that impact or guide your homesteading? Do they affect how you live and work your land?
13. How long have you been homesteading?
14. Do you like homesteading?
15. What homestead activity do you like the most?
(My Addition)
16. What challenges you the most on the homestead and how do you overcome it?

This collaboration is for anyone, anywhere. We would like to have a worldwide collab that would give others an idea of what your country, region, or city is like and if they would want to homestead there. It will be fun to see the similarities and the differences in these videos. If you would like to participate please contact us ( when you have your video up so we can add the link in our playlists. We encourage each one create a playlist and include the other channels in it.
The Title should be
Our Homestead World - (Country) - (State or region or providence)
Mention in the opening that it is a collab with Wanda and Danny at Deep South Homestead in the United States in the state of Mississippi and Liz Zorab in the UK.
Liz and I are working on contacting as many channels in as many different locations as possible. This collab is open to anyone, anywhere. Answer the questions and tell others about the collab.
Our goal is to have a video from each country, and each region or state or providence of each country. Even many in each region, example: Mississippi could have several videos from all over the state because each of us garden in different soil, use different techniques and live in different homes or apartments etc.

So please share, share, share.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact either Wanda or Liz. Links below

Thank you all from Deep South Homestead and Liz Zorab, Byther Farm
Channels joining the collab:
Liz Zorag- Byther Farms :

Homesteading,Off Kilter,Homestead,Garden,Off Kilter Homestead,Urban Farming,Urban Homesteading,Livestock,Animals,Carnivore,Permaculture,DIY,Do It Yourself,Homemade,How To,Deep South Homestead,Collab,Collaboration,Why Homesteading,

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