
Every Fish Keeper Should Have These! 10 Things Every Fish Keeper Should Have!

Every Fish Keeper Should Have These! 10 Things Every Fish Keeper Should Have! It doesn’t matter if you’re someone that has an aquarium in your home because you just like having a living decoration in your home or you’re someone like us that keep fish at an almost obsessive level there are things that we believe every fish keeper should have.
If you don’t have everything on this list we highly encourage you to consider getting them as it’ll make your life so much easier and also make it easier for your fish.
We put out a new episode like this every Sunday so if you like this type of content hit that subscribe button and ring the belt so you don’t miss next weeks episode.
With all that said here are 10 things that every fish keeper should have.

Python Water Changer

Master Test Kit

YouTuber Mistakes video

10. Maintenance Supplies
Aquariums aren’t a set it and forget it kind of thing, they require work to not only look good but also provide a healthy environment for everything you have living in them.
There are some tools that will definitely make the job of maintaining your aquarium a whole lot easier, we probably could’ve done an entire episode on them but anyway, here we are.

9. Cleaning Supplies
No one likes to look at a dirty aquarium, whether it’s algae all over the glass or cloudy water if your tank is dirty there are some things you should keep handy to make your life easier

8. Meds.
Like any other animals fish get sick and it never happens at a convenient time but there’s one thing that is a guarantee, it will happen eventually.
One of the worst things that can happen is you realize your fish is sick and needs medication right away, the problem is it’s Sunday evening and all the fish stores around you are closed.

6. Test Kit
A master test kit should be on your list of the first things to buy when you buy your first aquarium. This is a kit that tests for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH.

5. Quarantine/ Hospital tank
Did you watch the last 3 episodes of 10 things where we talked about the biggest mistakes in fish keeping? The series where we brought in 18 other YouTubers to tell the story of their biggest mistakes.
Well if you did you know that 4-5 of those YouTubers stories had to do with disasters happening as a result of not quarantining their fish.
A quarantine tank doesn’t need to be anything big and it doesn’t need to be fancy but it can be one of the most important tools to help you prevent disaster.

4. Back Up Plan
If there’s one thing I can guarantee you in this hobby it’s that things happen and they never seem to happen at a convenient time.
Whether it’s an equipment failure, a leak in your tank or a power outage it’s inevitable that something will happen and when it does its always a good idea to be prepared to react immediately.

3. Water Source
Ok this is another one that sounds like common sense but without water, we don’t have aquariums.
Your water source is something you should look into before you ever set up your first tank. Even if your on a well and think your waters perfect it might not be.

2. Patience
Patience is really the most critical element to the fish keeping hobby. There are so many things that we have to wait for to ensure we’re doing it right.
Unfortunately it’s a lack of patience that causes the most disasters in the hobby.

Knowledge Resource LISA (internet, clubs, fish store)
One of the best thing about the aquarium hobby is that fish keepers love talking about fish keeping. We’re all just a bunch of nerds.
This is not a hobby that you have to do alone, it’s full of people just like you that are mesmerized by things floating around in a glass box.
Having as many others around you that share the same passion for fish as you do will not only make you enjoy the hobby so much more but you’re also gonna run into people that have been doing it longer than you and they can teach you some things.

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aquarium,freshwater aquarium,aquarium cleaning supplies,aquarium maintenance,fish tank ideas,fish keeper,water conditioner,fish keeping,aquarium salt,pet fish,aquarium water,

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