
Which Wild Sets Do you NEED to buy? | Wild Crafting Guide | Solem

Which Wild Sets Do you NEED to buy? | Wild Crafting Guide | Solem If you want to start playing Wild Hearthstone and you are not sure about which card to craft, which set to buy and where to start, this is the video I made for you :) We will go through every expansion that is currently in the wild only section of the game and I show you each Common, Rare, Epic & Legendary Card and tell you in which decks those see play & why you probably should not buy any of those expansions if you like to invest your money wisely

In short: Just buy a single pack after another from any expansion you never bought packs from to get your guaranteed legendary in the first 10 packs and then stop. Adventures are for fun & dust value as most legendaries in those are horrible. If you want to play multiple classes and just want to buy the best wild sets go with Knights of the frozen throne as well as Kobolds and Catacombs. Here are all the timestamps & cards listed after I tell you to sub & follow me on twitch

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Naxx - 1:57
GvG - 2:47
Blackrock - 4:09
Grand Tourney - 4:59
League - 6:03
Old Gods - 6:41
Karazhan - 7:39
Gadgetzan - 8:29
Ungoro - 9:51
Frozen Throne - 12:35
Kobolds - 17:29
Summary - 22:57

Naxx - Poison Seeds, Duplicate, Avenge, Voidcaller, Deathsbite, Haunted Creeper, Mad Scientist, Nerubian Egg,
Deathlord, Loatheb, Kt for big rogue

GvG - Metaltooth leaper, muster for battle, quartermaster, minibot, Lightbomb, Tunkers Oil, Crackle, Ancestors Call,
Dark Bomb, Implosion, Mal Ganis, Cogmaster, Expl Sheep, Mechwarper, Ships Cannon, Flying Machine, Jeeves, Kezan
Enhanco, healbot, Fel Reaver, Sneeds

Blackrock - Quickshot, Flamewaker, Dragon Consort, Solem Vigil, Twlight Welp, Resurrect, Skulker, Blackwing Corr,
Patron, Emperor

Grant Tournament - Living Roots, Darnassus, Astral Communoion, Aviana, Poly: Boar, Seal of Champions, Myst Challenger,
Spawn of Shadows, Buccaneer, Totem Golem, Dranei Totemcarver, Alex Champion, Bash, Horserider, Twilight Guardian

League - Forgotten Torch, Uldaman, Anyfin, Excavated, Entomb, Tunnel Trogg, Everyfin, Cursed Blade, Finley, Brann,

Old Gods - Mark of Yshaarj, Mire Keeper, Feral Rage, Call of the wild, Rallying Blade, Steward of Darkshire,
Stand against darkness, SW: Horror, Evolve, 4 mana 7/7, Thing from below, Darkshire COuncilman, Nzoth first mate,
Ravaging Ghoul, Bloodsail cultist, eater of secrets, Nzoth, yogg, Yshaarj + Cthun cards ~4

Karazhan - Enchanted Raven, Cloaked Huntress, Cat trick, babbling, Medichs, Firelands, Nightbane, Priest of feast,
Swash, Maelstrom, Netherspite, Barnes, Arcane Giant

Gadget - Jade Idol, Jade Blossom, Jade Behemoth, Kun, Kabal Lackey, Kabal Runner, Potion of Poly, Smugglers Run,
Grimstreet Outfitter, Talonpriest, Potion Madness, Potion Healing, Secret Agent, Raza, Dragonfire, Jade Swarmer,
Jade Shruiken, Devolve, Jade CLaws, Jade Lightning, Jade Chieftain, Krul, Sleep Fishes, MIstress, Ptches, Rat,
Jade Spirit, Kazakus, Doppelganster, Aya

Ungoro - Earthern, Living Mana, Crackling, Terrorstalker, Open the Waygates, Arcanologist, Primordial Glyph, Molten,
Meteor, Spikeridge, Awaken, Radiant, Shadow Vision, VIlespine, Volcano, Bloodbloom, Fireplumes, Cornered Sentry
Firefly, Glacial, Rockpool, Golakka, Glut Ooze, Devilsaur egg, Stonehill, tar Creeper, Megasaur, Vicious, Umbra, hemet,
Charged Devilsaur, Prim Drake maybe Elemnts like Blazecaller & Kalimos

Throne - Spreading Plague, Malfurion, Hadronox, Ultimate Infestatrion, Play Deead, Stitched Tracker, Rexxar, Jaine,
Rightous Protector, Uther, Spirit Lash, Shadow Essence, Eternal, Archebishoip, Anduin, Obsidian, Valeera, Brrloc,
Ice Fishing, Defile, Gnomeferatu, Howlfiend, Treachery, Despicable, Guldan, Dead Mnas Hnd, Blood Razor, Acherus,
Keleseth, Drakkari Enchanter, Corpsetaker, Meat Wagon, Tladaram, Cobalt Scale, Skulking, Lich, Bonemare

Kobolds - Barkskin, Spellstone druid, branching, oaken summons, twitg, candleshot, wandering, flanking strike,
emerald spellstone, crishng walls, to my side, kathrena, arcane artificer, explosive runes, dragons fury, aluneth,
unidentified maul, call to arms, valanyr, twilight acolyte, twilights call, duskbreaker, spellstone priest, psychic,
elven mistre, feldorey, shiny finder, kobold illusionist, unstable, healing rain, Grumble, dark pact,
librarian, homunculus, cataclysm, hooked reaver, spellstone, skull, voidlord, rin, drywhisker, reckless flurry,
diremole, plated beatle, dragonslyer, fungal enchanter, rummaging, vid ripper, zola, shroom brewer, fungal, cube,
corridor creeper, silver vanguard, spiteful, togwaggle, dragon hatcher, oakheart, sleepy dragon

#Wild #Hearthstone #Solem

About Solem
I make Hearthstone Videos & Stream Every Day on Twitch so if you like Hearthstone Gameplay make sure to Subscribe! Twitch Prime btw

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