
The Consciousness of Grace Awakening Within You (Kundalini Awakening, Shaktipat) ❤️

The Consciousness of Grace Awakening Within You (Kundalini Awakening, Shaktipat) ❤️ Accepting everything as Divine, Perfect and Free, we allow this Grace to arise within our beings and spontaneously Awaken this Divine Kundalini Shakti, Christ Consciousness, God’s Grace within our beings.

What does it mean to be still within our being, completely still within our being?

We have to release recklessness. We have to release unstableness. We have to fully and completely engage in the absolute trust of our own beingness.

The place of freedom from being consciously aware of everything that’s happening around us; just being completely aware of this inner space, this inner dwelling place of Love and Consciousness and Grace within us.

Let’s come into this place of Stillness within our own being.

Drop the mind chatter and let your mind be free to be Conscious and Aware in this moment.

You can feel the Consciousness of your own Grace working within you as you become more and more quiet in this space of Truth within you.

You can go deeper into this space, into this Oneness, into this Truth, into this Divine Essence within your Being.

~ Light Language of Grace ~

Awakening to the Heart Center energy within you, the Divine Light of Gods’ Consciousness within you

The awakening is happening. The conscious Grace, the conscious Truth, the conscious Divinity is open and alive.

~ Light Language for Awakening ~

We give you all the Essence, all the Truth, all the Divinity to see yourself as Divine, Perfect and Free!

~ Light Language for Understanding ~

Deeper into the Essence of you, your Truth, your Divinity, your Peace, your Love.

~ Light Language with Grace and Love ~

We take you into this essential Grace of your own Truth, of your own Beingness, of your own Divinity.

Accepting you as you into the Divinity of All Things now

Consciousness flowing through us, Graciously knowing us.

It is the Christ Energy, Christ Consciousness arising within us, knowing us, feeling us, experiencing us.

Kundalini’s Grace, Love, God’s Love, this is God’s Love! This is the Grace of Divinity.

It doesn’t matter if you are in a religion or not in a religion. It doesn’t matter if you have a presence of God in your life or you do not have a presence of God in your life. All that matters is that you accept this Energy within your being as the Truth of your own Self.

Each religion is based in the Energy of Truth, the Energy of Life Source, of Beingness and of Love.

We practice this Energy Consciousness within us to become who we truly are and that encompasses all religions, all races, all places, all beings in this universe and beyond.

We are Divine. We are Perfect. We are Loving. We are Free.

Let your expectations for Grace within you be given to you now, so that you may feel this Grace of your own Consciousness becoming you now.

Feeling, Awakening, Knowing, Receiving

When I watch these videos on my own, I see that the energy that is flowing through them is God’s Grace, and this is why I watch them, because I find that it’s a pure energy of God’s Love. So, I refer to this work as Channeling God’s Love, because I feel that the channel of consciousness that runs through our bodies as the divine channel of light, is a channel that allows us to speak the truth, that allows us to speak in consciousness, that allows us to speak in grace. This is an energy of the awakening of the Kundalini or Shakti within the body that happened within me when I was 27 years old, about 23 years ago. It has evolved into this state now where I can just drop into the consciousness and allow it to speak through me, work through me, talk through me, and give blessings and alterations in consciousness through me. I’m very established in this energy and I feel that it’s a quiet restitution within myself that comes through for the benefit of all beings. I hope you will enjoy it and you will see what is happening and you will experience the grace and the love that is coming through.

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Consciousness,Grace,God's Grace,Kundalini Shaktipat,Kundalini,Kundalini rising,Shaktipat,Shaktipat transmission,Shakti,Shakti's Grace,Kundalini's Grace,Kundalini Awakening,Awakening,Awaken,Kundalini Shakti,Christ Consciousness,Baba Muktananda,Baba,Muktananda,Stillness,Stillness within,Freedom,Love,God's Love,Divine Love,Truth,Swami Muktananda,Oneness,Divine Essence,Light Language,Peace,Divinity,Christ Energy,God,True Self,Religion,Bhagawan Nityananda,

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