That part of the story of human progress is called history for which written evidence is found.
But before the invention of writing, the human had lived on this earth millions of years.
Prehistory, the vast period of time before written records or human documentation, includes the Neolithic Revolution, Neanderthals and Denisovans, Stonehenge, the Ice Age and more.
Ex - Bodhisattva Padmapani, Ajanta, India.
Prehistory is divided into 3 ages.
The 3 ages are Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.
1.Stone Age
Stone Age is the very first age notice the change in human civilization. Use of stone and tools made up of stones were used.
The stone age further divides into 3 more sub-parts and they are as follows:
Palaeolithic Age, Mesolithic Age and Neolithic Age
a. Palaeolithic Age
In Palaeolithic age or old stone age. Humans were unaware of methods of cooking, agriculture.
the main occupation of those times was food gathering and hunting. Everything man used was made up of stone in this time like his shelter, hunting tools.
This period lasted from 5,00,000 BC to 10,000 BC.
b. Mesolithic Age
In Mesolithic age or middle stone age. Humans started using bo and arrows for hunting of animals.
Hunting of small animals like fish begin using sharp tools which are also known as microliths-pointed.
This period lasted from 10,000 BC to 6,000 BC.
c. Neolithic Age
In Neolithic age or the last phase of the stone age. A remarkable change in the human civilization is marked in this age.
Cultivation of plants and domestic animals led to human civilization.
Mud bricks houses were made during this period. This period lasted from 6,000 BC to 1,000 BC
Metal age is broadly categorized into two ages and they are as follows
2.Bronze Age:
The Bronze Age marked the first time humans started to work with metal.
Bronze itself is harder and more durable than other metals available at the time, allowing bronze age civilizations to gain a technological advantage.
This age was the first witness in Egypt. Most commonly metals in this period were copper and bronze.
3. Iron Age:
In the 19th century, the use of iron increased and hence rise of Iron Age. This age is the last age of the ” 3 Age System”. This age brought an end to the bronze age. Weapons were also made of iron in this era.
Thanks & Regards,
Nishant Chandravanshi
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