
Nick Cannon can't be serious!

Nick Cannon can't be serious! *Mood Music*

Nick sounded like they wrote
his verse and he practiced
until he got it right.
He still suck on a beat
period and still couldn't
ride the beat with training
He and his skin flute huggers
will need to do better than
that including writing what
they spit like snuff cans
with nothing in it.
Y'all missed the whole


If y'all believe Nick wrote
his own verse then you
might as well say mother
goose is real and Freddy
beat jason and the illuminati
don't exist.

Matter fact he better off
paying nicer battle rappers
to tie his shoes since he
can't seem to get out of
his own knots.


Charlie clips shooting
blanks at target pratices
while hiding big Mac's
under his bed at night
for protection in case
he got to reload
his water gun in a vegan
battle with no real beef.
I bet salads can make him
piss his pants if one
addressed him checking
his blue cheese in case
he flying a flag with no
real work put in.
That's how you convert
vegans for better day's.
Now lettus pray.


Hit man holler everytime
he needs backup because
he never hit nothing but
a drunk in a barber shop
and still say he giving out
fades for the low.
How tough can you really
be when you steal off on
But At least we know why
he's called hit man but
for real holler when you
earn some real stripes you
star struck nut hugging
cannon ball sqeezer.
Now run along and play
until daddy needs you


Conceited still to short to
standup in any kind of faceoff
with anybody.
Hell his shadow and his
reflection is taller than he
is and yet he sounded like
a smurf yelling from under
a cup on the floor trying
to get his opponents
No wonder he short winded.
Now what's the differences
between him and Cassidy??

Answer: Nothing but he'll
always be the student studying
to be like the master.
Now wax on and wax off!

(Black Rose)

The Poetic Disciple
AKA Black Rose
All Music Protected!!
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Ray McKinley
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