Join other believers and pray for one another as Dale and Paula ask God to heal and answer prayer for viewers. Learn to address root causes for any chronic condition. God wants you well! If You Like this Video please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Don't forget to get your copy of Dale's New Book, "UNLOCKED: the Shocking Truth About Cancer" at the DBM STORE.
NEW (DESPERATELY NEEDED) Book ON SALE: "THE BELIEVER'S ANTI-CANCER WORKBOOK" by Dale Black, PhD is available at the DBM store ONLY. Also get your personally autographed copy of books by Dale Black (Proceeds of book sales are used to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ): VISITING HEAVEN, LIFE, CANCER AND GOD, FLIGHT TO HEAVEN, and HOW GOD HEALS (audio book) Coming Soon: "90-Day Cancer Healing Program" by Capt. Dale Black. Visit:
LIVE ONLINE Healing Service with Dale Black - Every Wednesday 5pm PT. Go to
Another episode of “Healing From Heaven” from Capt Dale Black, former Airline Pilot Instructor / Accident Prevention Specialist and the only survivor of perhaps aviation's most ironic airplane crash.
Receive your personally autographed copy of books by Dale Black (Proceeds of book sales are used to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ): VISITING HEAVEN, LIFE, CANCER AND GOD, FLIGHT TO HEAVEN, and HOW GOD HEALS (audio book) Coming Soon: "90-Day Cancer Healing Program" by Capt. Dale Black. Visit:
Anyone Sick? Need healing from God? Check into "Healing Way Workshops and Healing Way Revival" with Dale and Paula Black. This is for you. Visit:
FREE DOWNLOAD! In his own words Capt. Dale Black tells his entire Flight To Heaven NDE story. FREE DOWNLOAD:
“7-Steps to Personal Fulfillment by Dale Black” FREE DOWNLOAD:
Ask for PRAYER or SHARE your TESTIMONY - email CaptDale@DaleBlack.org or visit:
Cancer patients - be sure to consult the book: "LIFE, CANCER and GOD" before taking other action/s.