
Interference named help

Interference named help Interference named help

1. Koreans who enjoy interfering other people’s life

1) If you live in Korea, you’ll find many people talk about my every move, no one cares how I live in Europe and America; I’m not free in Korea but I’m free in Europe and America

2) Interference is an unwanted behavior by someone or somebody who interferes with my Body-Mind-Life by text, speaking, facial expression, behavior, etc.

3) There are many reasons for interference, the most common type is interference named help

2. Interference named help

1) It is interfering behavior to me, but it seems like that I need help, which is

① Care

② Teaching

③ Sympathy and consolation

④ Volunteer

2) The reason for care

① Because you are too young

3) Teaching

① Flaws or mistakes

② New things

4) Sympathy and consolation

① Usually people feel sympathy for the negative situation: pitiful, poor

② The person involved in it does not feel like that though

5) Volunteering

① It’s regarded that I need food, clothing and shelter, or I’m infirm

② Providing things and services

6) Manipulating using help

① Making me dependent by giving things and helping me and manipulating me as he/she likes through it

② The person believes that it’s for me

3. The person who interferes

1) For a child, it’s mom or parents

2) For husband and wife, it’s the spouse

3) For daughter-in-law, it’s mother-in-law

4) For a student, it’s a teacher

5) Friends, neighbor, or same church member

6) For the have-nots, it’s the haves

7) The person whom I don’t know, for any reason

4. The reason that other people interfere with my life

1) The person believes that it’s the way to help me

2) The person believes that helping other people is helping himself/herself

① Especially in religious groups that put emphasis on devotion and dedication

3) Because the person needs something to do

4) Because the person cannot live alone

5) Because the relationship is important in society

① Six Degrees of KevinBacon

② Alumni members, classmates, seniors and juniors, church members, etc.

5. Being together rather than being interfered

1) It’s not easy to avoid the person who’s trying to interfere with me, or help me

① He/she will chase you more like a shadow if you are trying to avoid him/her

② You can’t change it

2) Being together is confronting way without avoiding it or changing it

① Using it

② Refusing it

③ Confronting it

3) Using it

① Receive things that you need and be appreciate about it

② Repay kindness if you can

③ You don’t have to repay back, the person will feel happy to help you

4) Refusing it

① Not outspoken

② Agreeing and ignoring it

③ Like playing tricks cautiously without arousing suspicion

5) Confronting it

① Refuse it obviously, and consistently

② Do not point out mistakes or do not try to teach

6. You can’t avoid interference named help. Instead of avoiding it, try to do being together. It’s helpful to me and the person.

With Dr.U:

Who's Taiwoo Yoo, M.D.?
- Director With Dr.U
- Former Principal of the Family School Room at Seoul National University Medical School
- Former chief of family medicine at Seoul National University Hospital
- Former Seoul National University Hospital Health Promotion Center Senior Professor

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