
I want and I understand that I need to thank and praise Hashem - a NaNaCh song

I want and I understand that I need to thank and praise Hashem - a NaNaCh song H

LYRICS are from the words of Saba Israel Dov Odesser obm as they are translated in this book (page 368):

I want and I understand that I need to thank and praise Hashem that He did for me a miracle, a single person against the whole world, yes. Father and Mother and the family and the whole city and the whole world. How I was in such a state of lowliness and degradation that if you were there, it would have been hard for you to understand how I was existing in this world, how I am living?! It is impossible to describe, there are now words to speak ad describe what I endured, and thank God I see now that this, this was very good, I yearn and I say, if only I had suffered more, but now, I , if I would pay millions... how? The time has passed.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


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