
Getting Old

Getting Old Getting Old

It sucks to get old is what I hear a lot.
You start to lose your hair, you're not as spry as you thought.
Your joints start to go, walking gets tough,
you look in the mirror and think you're not enough.
You start to lose muscle, replacing it with fat,
diabetes runs rampant, i'm not okay with that.

Growing better with age is what I call getting old.

Living and learning the magic to make life what I want it to be,
that is the only way of growing old that I see for me.
Postivity will sustain me in my moments of disdain.
I will never know the process that causes so much pain.

I will work out every day and keep my cardio up.
I will adopt a plant based diet and know that I am tough.
I can make the decision to grow old the way that I want to.
I started 3 years ago, thus I know this much is true.

I wake every day the oldest I've ever been.
I am also the best shape that I've ever been in.
Take your future and make it yours, know that you have control.
Feed your body every day, but also feed your soul.

What does getting older mean to you? Don't let your health slip. You have the control to make yourself get better with age. Gaining new knowledge. Taking on new routines. Stay stagnant and you'll become stagnant. Keep doing your best every day to stay as healthy as you can for as long as you can. There is nothing more important than our health. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Maintain it.

All the love in the universe - David


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