
CMIP5 multi-model mean temperature change relative to the period 1980-2005 for RCP2.6 versus RCP8.5

CMIP5 multi-model mean temperature change relative to the period 1980-2005 for RCP2.6 versus RCP8.5 This visualization shows the projected mean temperature change relative to "today", i.e. to the period 1980-2005. RCP 2.6 (left) is a low emission scenario that is broadly compatible with the Paris Agreement. RCP8.5 (right) is a “business as usual” scenario with minimal emission reductions. The visualization is based on the simulations carried out within the WCRP's CMIP5 project (Climate Model Intercomparison Project) and in preparation for the fifth IPCC report, IPCC AR5) by about 25 modeling groups worldwide with a total of 40 different climate models.

The raw data used is available through the World Data Centre for Climate at DKRZ:
Further processing done by DKRZ and DLR, Visualization done by Michael Böttinger of DKRZ.

climate change,global change,temperature change,IPCC,CMIP5,DKRZ,RCP8.5,RCP2.6,

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