
Allergic to Sun

Allergic to Sun When I was 18, my dad pressured me to marry Douglas, the son of a rich mafia boss who had a reputation for being cruel and reckless.

Of course, I didn’t wanna marry him. He was a fat, ugly monster. But my family was desperately poor and used me as their ticket into a more comfortable life.

But while on the altar, I started to feel itchy and said “I’m not feeling well.” Douglas responded “it’s too late to run away now. You are mine!”

But the dizziness turned into pain and then I blacked out.

When I woke up again, I was inside a hospital and my whole body was covered in rashes. The doctor said “don’t worry, you are fine. But you’ve developed a rare skin condition called “solar urticaria” or sun allergy. Whenever sun light hits your skin, you will get rashes, feel dizzy or worse.”I thought he was kidding me, how can someone be allergic to the sun? But Douglas got angry and screamed “I don’t care if she has an allergy. She is gonna marry me today!” Then he pulled me by my arm out of the hospital and drove us back to our wedding.
Most people had already left, but the pastor was still there. And after he wed us, Douglas forcefully grabbed my wrist, pulled me towards him and kissed me.It was absolutely disgusting. His breath smelled terrible and then he said “now that you pretty girl are mine, it’s time for you to come home with me.”

Well, most women have a good first night, but mine was terrible. I won’t go into the details but he loved humiliating me.

It was so bad, I couldn’t fall asleep afterward. The idea of living with this monster for the rest of my life, made me cry.

He only saw me as an object. My job was to wear lingerie and to pleasure him. And of course, he did with me whatever he wanted, no matter how much it hurt.
Life seemed pointless until a musician moved into the small house next to ours. His name was Miguel and he was incredibly handsome.

We often talked over the fence. And he always listened when I told him about my cruel husband. But one time, I went over to his house and sat down next to him on the couch.

At first, we were just flirting with each other. But then he put his hand on my leg. I knew where this was going and I liked it.

Then he pushed me back, took his shirt off and showed me his muscular body. Wow, I had never been more aroused.

He went on top of me, put his hand around my throat and pushed me deeper into the couch. I knew he had complete power over me, but I wasn’t scared. This was what I had always wanted. A guy who was both gentle and rough.

Our affair went on for months with Miguel often coming over to my house to see me. But one time while we were making out, my husband got home early.

Miguel decided to hide under the bed. And when my husband came into the room, he said “ah there is my pretty little girl. Oh we gonna have some fun today.” He put his sausage hands on my body and kissed me. It was as disgusting as always. But I was already used to it.
Next, he put a small mirror into the window and reflected the afternoon sun onto our bed. He always did that, because he loved seeing the pain in my face while the sun burned a rash into my chest.

At one point, I screamed out of pain and that’s when Miguel had enough. He came up from under the bed, pulled my husband by his hair and smashed him to the ground.

Then Miguel tied him up with a rope. It was the same rope my husband had often used to tie my hands and feet to the bed.

Miguel said “I’m sorry, but I can’t let that pig treat you like that. You are such a beautiful girl and you deserve better than him.”

I responded “but he is my husband and now he’s gonna punish me worse than ever before!”
Miguel said “Don’t worry, let’s just run away together.”
Well, I had no other option. So we took the train to New Orleans and started all over. It wasn’t a luxurious life, but I was happy.
Because whenever Miguel came home from work, he’d pull me out of the kitchen and toss me onto the bed.
He’d get on top of me, he’d kiss me, he’d bite me. And yes, that’s what I wanted. I wanted to ache. I wanted to suffer. I wanted to forget myself.

Maybe those were the best times of my life. Miguel and I even decided to get married and have a kid. But right while I was pregnant, Miguel let his sister move in with us.

She was pregnant too and for some reason, she hated me. I didn’t understand why, until one night, she stormed into our bedroom and screamed at Miguel, “I have enough, I won’t let you treat me like a 2nd class wife anymore. Tell her the truth. Tell her I’m not your sister. Tell her that you are the father of my baby!”

Within seconds, my whole world crumbled. Miguel said “i’m so sorry. After one of my shows, I got drunk and hooked up with her. I never wanted to get her pregnant. And I hope you can forgive me.”
Wow, I didn’t know what to respond. I felt betrayed and wanted to break up. But I couldn’t because I depended on Miguel’s income to take care of my future baby.


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