
Advocates : Should Congress Deregulate Trucking

Advocates : Should Congress Deregulate Trucking Advocates : Should Congress Deregulate Trucking
Series Description
A SERIES OF DEBATES with a moderator facilitating the discussion of national and international issues - using advocates who would introduce witnesses to support their point of view. Debates recorded at Boston's Faneuil Hall. Moderators included: Michael Dukakis; Marilyn Berger; Michael Harrington, Robert Maynard. (Premiered October, 1969; conceived by Prof. Roger Fisher.) Other participants included Barney Frank, Avi Nelson, Antonin Scalia, S.I. Hayakawa, Paul Simon, Albert Shankar, Richard Bolling, Pete McCloskey, Chester Crocker, John Anderson, Elmo Zumwalt, George Ball, John Kenneth Galbraith, William Colby, Eleanor Smeal, Phyllis Schlafly, Sam Ervin, Laurence Tribe, Daniel Schorr, Orrin Hatch, Morris Udall, Edward Kennedy, George McGovern, Jake Garn, Paul Tsongas, Alan Dershowitz.

Program Description
Moderator: Evan Semerjian Advocate: Lincoln Bloomfield Advocate: William Rusher Witnesses: Prof. William Griffith – MIT William Polk – Adlai Stevenson Institute, University of Chicago Edward Luttwak – Defense Consultant Uri Ra’anan – Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Produced by Faneuil Hall

Advocates,Politics,Society,Television program,news politic,discover life,tv magazine,science politic,Boston's Faneuil Hall,Michael Dukakis,Marilyn Berger,Michael Harrington,Robert Maynard,Evan Semerjian,Lincoln Bloomfield,University of Chicago,Fletcher School of Law,Discover News Television,Should Congress Deregulate Trucking,Deregulate Trucking,

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