
A Most Incredible Story - The Real Cause of the Exodus

A Most Incredible Story - The Real Cause of the Exodus The Biblical Exodus was caused by a shifting of the terrestrial poles.

In an ancient Egyptian text can be found a parallel, more original source for the Biblical Exodus story. This version tells how the slaves of Egypt were able to escape because a major cataclysmic event occurred, brought on by what they termed "the destroyer" - a large red body that passed by the Earth. This account does not lend itself to divine intervention, it is a naturalistic explanation to the events that unfolded. As the red body passed Earth, dust, stones and rocks fell from the skies. Volcanoes and earthquakes occurred on a massive scale, and hurricane forced winds swept the lands. From this occurred a shifting of the terrestrial poles, when the crust was rent and the earth tilted, causing the waters of the Red Sea to recede. Mountains sprung up from the plains and rocks melted.

This is perhaps one of the most important surviving texts. Many ancient cultures speak of these events - but this being an original source for one of the most famous stories on Earth makes this incredibly important.

Earth Crust Displacement is they key to our history

2:59 - Jump straight to the Egyptian account of "The Dark Days"

A small portion of The Book of Manuscripts from the Kolbrin can be read online here:

Instagram: @truth.unknownn

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Immanual Velikovsky,The Pole Shift,Planet X,Conspiracy,Earth Crust displacement,ancient mysteries,our ancient past,our cataclysm past,ancient truth,the coming poleshift,ancient history,catastrophism,Nibiru and Planet X,conspiracy,ancient conspiracy theories,The Kolbrin,Ancient UFO,Ancient Truth,Ancient Wisdom,Earthchanges,Alternative history,Nibiru,Mythology,The Exodus,Ancient Egyptians,Exodus and the pole shift,

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