
15 Secrets Your Flight Attendant Will Never Tell you - The Infographics Show

15 Secrets Your Flight Attendant Will Never Tell you - The Infographics Show Subscribe to the channel for more.


The days of luxurious, thrilling flying are long gone. Delays, budget cuts, security threats and the cramped confinement to a seat, for long hours has made flying more of an affair fraught with tension for everyone involved.
At the forefront of everything is the cabin crew. With thousands of passengers in their care everyday, at the cruising altitude of 40,000 feet, the flight attendants have seen it all. Their experiences range from downright hilarious to horrifyingly spectacular. However, their perspective is rarely shared and the flyers are often left in dark.

Here are a few things that your flight attendant never tells you-

For starters, all of us wondered why we are being served the goopy lasagna, or the soggy stews or even worst, the inedible mystery meats for the price we paid. The food may as well be used for shooting those frozen store-bought TV dinners. And, if you may have noticed, the flight attendants never eat those meals. The real reason for the bland tasting meal is that the food is prepared on the ground, often in junky conditions, then, blasted chill prior to a flight. This is done because airplanes can’t have and don’t have kitchens.

So, next time, while savoring the goodness of that chicken on your flight, you might want to remember that it was probably fully cooked in an inconsistent, little convection oven, after being boarded onto the airplane.

Next on line, is your drinking water, which usually comes straight out of a bacteria- infested tank on the aircraft. Yes, that’s right: the tap water served to the customers on a plane, is more often than not, pumped from portable water tanks that are rarely ever cleaned. This is the reason that about 12 percent of commercial planes tested positive for fecal bacteria.

And, if that’s not a big enough reason to avoid it, then, here comes the real deal: the drinking water served on the planes comes from the same tank that holds the water used for the toilets. So, next time, you might want to skip the hydrating liquid unless it’s bottled.

Next up is the tray on which you obliviously lay your beer and roasted peanuts. Flight attendants will never tell you this, but, you might want to bring sanitary wipes on your flight and wipe down the pull-out tray as soon as you take your seat. Because, you won’t ever get a confession on the number of times that they have seen diapers being changed on the same tray or even placed over it, even though it’s a practice that discouraged.

And, maybe, you might want to brace yourselves for the next one: the pillows and blankets you are cozying up in were used by dozen of passengers before you. we take it for granted that those are neatly folded blankets and pillows, that have been freshly washed, but the truth is that, they most certainly aren’t. They are rarely cleaned properly, and are just refolded and stuffed back into the bins between each flight.

Now, it’s time for good news. The snacks given out on a flight are, actually, unlimited. And, who doesn’t love free snacks? It goes for most airlines, even though, they don’t want to announce it. however, despite there being no restriction on the amount of snacks a passenger can request, you might want to wait for the right moment, after everyone has had their fair share.

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