
Windows 10 update is packed with dangerous ransomware - do not download!

Windows 10 update is packed with dangerous ransomware - do not download! WINDOWS 10 users are receiving emails purporting to be from Microsoft, urging them to install a new update to their machine. But be warned, it’s not an official message from the US firm and the update is packed with dangerous malware and other vicious viruses.

Windows 10 users need to be on high alert for a scam update that’s circulating in emails that purport to be from Microsoft.

The dangerous Windows 10 update was discovered by the security researchers at Trustwave's SpiderLabs. According to their findings, the nefarious update is designed to infect your Windows 10 machine with the Cyborg ransomware.

Once the ransomware activates itself, it will encrypt and lock all the files on your computer with a new file extension – 777 – so you can’t crack them open and access any of your own data. The malicious software then leaves a single text file, Cyborg_DECRYPT.txt, on the desktop. It contains instructs to pay the cyber-criminals.

Once they have to received payment, the online criminals promise to unlock the files on your computer so that you’re able to access your own family photos, music files, work, emails, and everything else you keep saved on your Windows 10 machine. However, that doesn’t always mean the nightmare is over. Cyborg is particularly gruesome because it installs a copy of itself deep within the root of the infected drive, which means it can be triggered and reappear at a later – forcing you to cough-up all over again.

Bottom line – you really don’t want this on your Windows 10 machine.

Cyber-criminals are currently trying to trick Windows 10 users into downloading the ransomware under the guise of an important system update from Microsoft. According to the team at SpiderLabs, the email usually has the subject line 'Install Latest Microsoft Windows Update now!' or 'Critical Microsoft Windows Update!’.

This should be a red flag as Microsoft pushes its operating system via the Windows Update app preinstalled on the system. You’ll get a pop-up on your machine when there is a new update waiting for you, but you will never be notified about changed to your operating system over email.

The email itself contains a single line of text: “Please install the latest critical update from Microsoft attached to this email”. While the fake update attachment has ‘.jpg’ file extension, it is actually not a picture but instead is an executable file.”

Of course, the email is right, the file isn’t actually a picture – but nor is a critical Windows update. Instead, it is a malicious .NET download designed to deliver the malware to your system.

Trustwave’s Diana Lopera posted an explanation about why the Cyborg ransomware threat can be so serious for individuals and businesses. In a blog post about the latest Windows 10 update came, Lopera wrote: “The Cyborg Ransomware can be created and spread by anyone who gets hold of the builder.

"It can be spammed using other themes and be attached in different forms to evade email gateways. Attackers can craft this ransomware to use a known ransomware file extension to mislead the infected user from the identity of this ransomware.”

The vast majority of security experts, including Microsoft, advise against paying any ransoms from malware installed on your system. After all, there’s no guarantee you'll get access to your files again, and paying just encourages more ransomware attacks. After all, Cyborg has a secondary install file waiting in the wings on your Windows 10 PC waiting to strike again if you do decide to pay-up.

Instead, it’s best to use an anti-virus tool – many of which have their own decrypting software built-in. Make sure your PC is disconnected from any external drives, boot in Safe mode (by holding down the “S” on your keyboard when restarting the machine), and then let the anti-virus loose on your computer to try and strip away the malicious software.


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