
That's the only logo they gave me

That's the only logo they gave me That's the only logo they gave me. You wouldn't believe the number of times I hear this, and it's a fairly common issue when developing a brand further or starting any form of design project. We discover that the designer that originally created the identity only supplied the client with a small rasterised version of their logo only suitable for screen. File format like a JPEG or PNG, that can't be resized without losing its clarity. But they didn't say we needed anything else and they wouldn't give us the working files. Now I'm not sure why some designers feel the need to do this. Maybe it's to protect their work or they feel it's the only way to force a client to come back. No matter what the excuse is, if this has happened to you, it's my duty to tell you you've been done. That's right. You've been done.

Why do you need at least two distinctly different versions of your logo? The first is for print and the second is for screen use. Firstly, print uses a different colour mode and screen. If you were to use an RGB logo for print, there's a likelihood that the colours you expected won't be the colours you get. More importantly, if you only have a JPEG or PNG version of your logo, you can only really make it smaller, enlarging it will make it pixelated, it will lose clarity, and generally it will look rubbish. And that's the polite way of putting it. Importantly, it won't represent your business in the way that you want it to because first impressions count.

What happens if you need to upsize? Well, you can't unless you have a vector version of your logo. Vector logos are infinitely scalable up and down. Whether it needs to be the size of a stamp or as large as Big Ben, you've got it covered. The next time you get a logo designed, ask a simple question, does this include a vector version of my logo? If they say no and won't supply when asked, and quite frankly, you deserve better.

Logo Design,Branding,Graphic Design,Marketing,Brand,Logo,Design,Creative Design,Identity,Brand Identity,Corporate Identity,Business Identity,

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