Pay-What-You-Feel-Is-Fair album available here:
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Another one, to keep our platforms updated.
A quick look around Luke's (little) studio in Pascoe Vale, Victoria, along with some brand new vocals recorded in the past week which, despite being in their rawest stage in this video, are starting to sound very cool.
It may not be a very extravagant setup, but this room is where a great deal of the latter stages of our second release have really come together. The entire drum editing process took place here, along with bass recording and editing, guest musician sessions, auditions, writing, re-writing, and virtually all of the vocals that have been recorded up until now.
An interesting point to take away from this is that, in order to create something special and original, a crazy-expensive rig is a great bonus, but not a necessity. All that is truly needed is motivation, endurance, some research, and a willingness to see processes through right to the very end. And some mad skillz. Can't forget that.
Second album coming very soon ❤