
Cash Envelope Stuffing || November Paycheck #1 || Expenses, Savings, and Sinking Funds

Cash Envelope Stuffing || November Paycheck #1 || Expenses, Savings, and Sinking Funds Over the past year, cash envelopes and the zero balance (or every dollar budget) budgeting method has been working wonders for me. I have officially met all of my financial goals for 2019, which is very exciting. I cannot wait to share my financial goals for 2020 with you all! It is going to be a challenging year because it will be my first time ever paying rent and buying groceries and other household items on my own, but I am really excited for the adventure that it will be.

Thank you all so very much for supporting me on my financial journey! We have officially reached 400 subscribers, which is so amazing. I am so very thankful for all of y'all and I cannot wait to share more content with you all and let you know a little bit more about why I am on this financial journey.

Y'all are going to see my budget morph and change right before your eyes once I have a little bit more responsibilities, but that doesn't mean that I am lowering my savings goals or my standards for the continuous growth of my sinking funds. I am going to have to tighten the reigns on myself a little bit in the future so that I can meet all of my savings goals since I am going to start saving up for new things in the new year (which I will be sharing more about in a future video).

Thank you so much for watching and reading the description box if you made it this far down in the description box. I hope that you have a marvelous day and I will see you next time. Happy budgeting!

Where did I get my cash envelope wallet?

cash envelope stuffing,cash envelope stuffing November 2019,zero balance budget,zero-based budget,

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