Hi and Thank you for choosing to watch 1 or more of my Videos, My name is Anthony and I live in Birmingham, UK, I am a Computer Engineer by Trade and I'm Passionate about all things Tech related, Whether it be Home Cinema, Listening to Music, In-Car Entertainment, Security Systems or Gadgets in general, I first got into Computers in the early 90's with an old Intel System that had a 486sx CPU, 4Mb of Ram and I think it had a 100Mb Hard Drive if I remember correctly and I haven't looked back since, I'm quite happy using a Mac or PC but my preference is for PC, My first iphone was a 2G model back in the mid 2000's or thereabouts after being used to Sony Ericssons and Nokias but I'm quite happy using an iPhone or Android device as long as it's capable of doing the job of course. You can find my Website at: www.aj-cs.co.uk
Press Like or Dislike and feel free to Subscribe to my Channel especially if this Video has helped you in some way and I would prefer it if you liked my Video as it is my aim to help you, I do plan on posting more Videos in the future that will be based on Tech, Retro/Vintage, Tips and other Videos that you may find interesting or useful especially if you're interested in Computers, Tech, Gadgets, ICE, Security and the like.
DISCLAIMER - Please do NOT attempt anything that you see in my "Electronics Fix-it Videos" unless you know what you are doing as their are Dangerous Voltages inside many Devices even when not plugged in as Capacitors and other Components can still hold a Charge and may even Kill you, Or their may be other Hazards so If in doubt, DON'T do it!