
10-Expedition of Osamah, 3rd Sequitur: Principle of Precedence of the Better Per Reason and Qur'an

10-Expedition of Osamah, 3rd Sequitur: Principle of Precedence of the Better Per Reason and Qur'an In the last days of his life when the Nabi صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم was suffering from his fatal malady, he ordered an expedition and appointed Osamah ibn Zaid--a youth of no significant previous service, no illustrious tribal affiliation, and no other eminence in knowledge, experience, or military ingenuity of any sort, who reportedly was in his teens--as its commander. Abu Bakr and Omar among other known names of companions were commanded to participate as the teen general's underlings.
Its well established that the Nabi صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم knew that he was going to pass on during this malady of his and he had not not disclosed this to the companions. And since the expedition was ordered to march all the way to the Roman frontiers, a journey of no less than six weeks, the devised plan ensured that members of the expedition would be absent during any succession procedures that were sure to follow the Nabi's death صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم.
Several important and vital implications proceed from the conceived expedition, which put unanswerable question marks on the legitimacy of Abu Bakr and Omar's caliphate. Had the expedition marched out of Medina at the time the Nabi صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم had ordered and as he had insisted upon its immediate departure, and had the companions not defied the Prophetic command to depart at once, the notorious squeefa gathering would not have formed, Abu Bakr would not have been pledged allegiance to, and his illegitimate caliphate would have never formed.

For the best learning experience, it is advised to watch the series in sequential order as marked in the titles of episodes.

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