
Telferscot PSA - parents get involved with your children's School.

Telferscot PSA - parents get involved with your children's School. How You Can Help Out...

Can you spare some time? Volunteers are always needed at PSA events, whether it is helping out on a stall, setting up or clearing away.

You can give as much or as little time as you are able.

Just come along to the meetings or you can email us on

You can also sign up to Class List - This is similar to Facebook (but private and secure) and we would like as many parents/ carers to sign up as possible. Please sign up via the app and keep informed of what we are up to!

You can now also follow us on Facebook.

You can read further details here about other ways you can help your PSA.

Telferscot,Primary school,PSA,Parents,Staff,

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