
Ron Mettler Group | Retargeting Marketing Service

Ron Mettler Group | Retargeting Marketing Service Hi, this is Ron, I often get asked what does the Ron Mettler Group do.

This is how I explain it!

We're are a digital marketing agency, and we specialize in processes that converts internet traffic into sales for businesses…

One of our top-performing products is “Omni-Targeting”… Let me explain:

When somebody visits your website, we all know that 95% plus of the visitor, will leave your site without ever taking any action…

That’s apparent because otherwise, you would have the busiest businesses in the world, if everyone who came to your site took action, but they don’t, and statistics show that.

So typically, here is how it really works, someone is needing a product or service, they go online and start searching, they come to a website and take a quick look around then they go to another site and look then another and another … Yes, their shopping.

And as we all know, because we’ve all done it, this can be done in a matter of a few minutes..

Then anything can happen, they get distracted by a text message, phone call, email or they just want to think about it before they make a purchase.

When they left YOUR website, either is one of two things happened, they made an immediate purchase, which is typically unlikely,

or they continued shopping or they weren’t ready yet, they're still thinking about it, they're still evaluating it.

So if possible, it's your job as a business owner and salesperson to be with them during that thinking about it process and evaluation process.

How do we do that?… especially when it's the Internet that we're dealing with?

Think about it, If that person only hits your website for let's say 10 to 20 seconds or so, and then goes on to the next site and the next site and so on … how much memory do you think they have of you?

But if you stay with them over an extended period of time after they visit your site, then your chances of getting that business increase dramatically.

Particularly if we can stay with them in a way that portrays your business in the best possible light.

To do that, we use a process called Omni-Targeting.

So what is Omni-Targeting?

What it does is allows everyone that visits your site to be reminded over and over again, of the product or service that they were looking for as they travel throughout the internet.

They will see your product again and again on the Google Display Network, on Facebook, on YouTube, on Gmail, on Instagram on Linked-in, and on Twitter and so on.

Everywhere they go on the Internet your business will follow them with extremely well-crafted ads and video.

Your product will appear on some of the biggest websites in the world.

You get to show your “reminder ads” for as long as needed, to all these prospects while they're considering their decision to purchase.

They’ll be coming back to your website over and over again.

And a substantial percentage of them will make a purchase, and this only happens if you do this Low Cost Retargeting.

That's OmniTargeting, that's what we do for our clients and it works like gangbusters…

Interestingly, after I explaining that I get comments like,

"How in the heck you can do that? That sounds crazy, and It really sounds complicated”…

“I typically tell them … you know what? … there is a heck of a lot of work to it, because to make this work absolutely the best, we need to create lots of contextual ads and videos, and there are a bunch of behind the scenes technical setup work to do.

Then I explain, we do have a guide on how we do it, and I’ll show it to you if you want, in fact, I’ll give you a copy if you like to do it yourself.

But I'll warn you now, it's time consuming, technical, and it will take you some real-time and effort getting it off the ground.

On the other hand, if you prefer, I’ll take a look at doing it for you, we can do it very pretty inexpensively because that's what we do we have the process mastered…

The cost is low to run, it’s not like Google Adwords / Pay Per Click, because we only go after people who've already visited your website and that’s done at a mire fraction of the Google Adwords cost…

And that’s one of the keys to the Omni-Targeting Success.

So we do all the work, we take on all the complexity and you pay us a small fee and a small ad spend, and you sit back and watch the system generate sales for you.

How does that sound?

And that's in a nutshell on how I explain one of the top-performing services that the Ron Mettler Group provided.

Ron Mettler Group,Retargeting,Marketing,Retarget Marketing,Retarketing Marketing,Retarget,Retarget Service,Retargeting service,Retarget Marketing Service,

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