
Remove Negative Cellular Memories & Blockages - Subliminal Affirmations

Remove Negative Cellular Memories & Blockages - Subliminal Affirmations HQ Download:

This audio includes specific affirmations designed to get safe & fast subliminal results. This subliminal does not include frequencies.

This subliminal contains:

-mind & body accept affirmations
-mind & body accept + allow rapid change
-remove all resistance + obstacles
-gratitude to the universe + open to receive
-remove + prevent all limiting beliefs
-remove all held negative cellular memories & held emotions from all time/space/dimensions
-gain peace with your past, present & future actions + memories
-total healing of past, present + future lineage
-resolve negative held memories & emotions of all relatives past, present + future for highest good
-accept and allow forgiveness for negative past actions by yourself + others
-allow total healing + cleansing of all your past, present + future lives
-heal + remove all seen & unseen negative influences
-astral level cleanse of all negative emotions
-alignment with all healing frequencies + waves
-alignment with all frequencies + waves of cleansing
-endless enhancing affirmations + booster
-all required energy for manifestation is received + met
-all conditions for beneficial cleansing change are met
-+Many more supporting affirmations
-All desired results are permanent

Listen at least 3-6 times a day. You may receive noticeable results before 1 month. Listen for 3+ months for full results. Other activities can be performed while you listen. Please do not drive while listening to subliminals.

Thanks for listening! Good luck with your results.

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