

PEOPLE WATCHING ON HOLIDAY IS NORMAL RIGHT? I was sat at the airport enjoying a Pizza returning back from Norway

and overheard an interesting conversation

between a fella and his wife,

in fact EVERYONE overheard it as this guy was talking so loud!

he was telling his Mrs how he’s going to lose weight as soon as he gets back,

he’s going to bike to work every day instead of driving, he’s going to go to the gym after work 5 days a week

and whilst he was biting into his pepperoni pizza, he said going to knock all junk food and beer on the head. WTF!

We all need a bite for pizza and cheeky pint or two in our lives (The 80/20 rule)

I loved this guys enthusiasm however, I already know that the poor dude has failed before he’s even started,

because he’s trying to change everything overnight.

I've done it a million times in the past, finally deciding to do something about my shape and implementing loads of rules from the very next day,

can't eat that, no alcohol, no eating past 8pm, no junk food, exercising twice a day...

the list is endless and normally lasts 3-5days! If you're lucky.

If it was socially acceptable to randomly go and chat to this guy and offer advice

I would have said to change a couple of things to start with,

start tracking calories and exercise 2-3 times a week is MORE than enough to see tangible results

we just need to start by building new habits

trying to change your entire lifestyle overnight is only going to have one bad outcome

because it’s too much too soon,

I’ve seen lots of clients make this mistake as well as me included

I’ll never forget the diet I went on when my only carb allowance was one sweet potato a day,

orange pooh springs to mind and now I hate the taste and smell of sweet potato

we can help you upgrade your mindset and behaviour so that you can you can achieve life changing

results without the overwhelm of trying to change your life overnight

let me know if you’d like some training, guidance and support by

replying with “6-week challenge” and I’ll get you the details on my latest 6 week program.

Coach Si


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