
Child protective service corruption #2

Child protective service corruption #2 I actually Clear as day remember confronting her with those documents on the clipbord,... asking her what I was sighning,.. Candice white she told me oh these are all of the Programs you have to do threw CPS,.. and if you dont sighn these your daughter will be given to a Random-Fostercare, Family.... and Im srry But I did not trust the State given fostercare familys that the Goverment picks out allot of them are cold and mean,..

What I should have done with the case manager there is Call, the Police or my Atterney at the time and not sighn anything,... Becasue By the time I was done sighning the documents on the Clipbord she had a Big,.. Smirk on her face,.. This is Part of my Message to the World that CPS does not handle things Legally..... Hopefully My Message to others will Put a stop to Child Protective services Corruption,...... And Hire/ Get Better Case-Managers That actually Care, about Parent/Child Reunification- Reuniteing babys and Children Back to there Biological Parents,.... I Can only Emagine all the other hundreds of thousands of Parents who have had there Children Wrongfully Taken from them and Never-Reunited,..... All Becasue of a Corupted Government.....

Presedent Trump wants to make America Great again,.. why dont he Start there Go look at Corupted Case-sytems for Children that got taken away for small unjust/ unfair reasons and do something about it,... How bout that?...


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