
Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus is a cool strategy game with a fun and completely broken combat system

Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus is a cool strategy game with a fun and completely broken combat system doubt I am the first to make a video like this, just was clearing up my hard drive and wanted to flex my extremely average IQ - long text dump below:
So by the start of the year I got Mechanicus ( because I have a big boner for admech and am too second world to own 40K weeb-figurines (read: models). Long story short, by the half of the game I was so ridiculously OP that I built the squad for the sole purpose of taking out the eventual boss in one hit, which eventually happened with zero issues and zero prior knowledge of what's the boss like.

Long story long, Mechanicus has an innovative but inherently flawed combat system where to perform actions, your Tech Priests spend "Cognition Points". Catch is, you don't get a set amount per turn: you get them from the environment, by killing enemies and later with abilities you can unlock. Bigger guns and better equipment consume more CP - pretty standard.

Now that sounds okay in theory - and it is pretty fun, at the start - but unless you're inbred you realize that the key to combat is to secure as big CP generation as you possibly can because then your Tech Priests virtually become gods of death, strolling from one end of the map to the other, obliterating entire groups of Necrons (lore wise pretty spooky and real hard to kill) with massively overbuffed and overpowered death beams - or even massively overbuffed NERF guns if you fancy taking their self-respect as well. Problem is that you can game the system and tailor your squad for this very purpose fairly early in the game, obliterating any semblence of challenge that could be possibly thrown your way.

Back when this was recorded there was only one difficulty - I recently got back to it after getting the Heretek DLC, now there's a hard difficulty/ironman/permadeath but after a few missions going for CP-generating build from the start I feel like nothing can really threaten me either way, the static HP buff or more Necrons per mission just don't do it. Incidentally, more Necrons/battles per mission means you get more scrap (Blackstone) to upgrade your Tech Priests with so you can spiral out of control even faster.

That said, I'd still recommend the game if you like the setting. Lore-wise, the game is incredible and probably the best 40K game I've seen in that regard; music is superb as well, just search it - imho if you're into this shit it's still a great experience worth the game price even if it's not very challenging, and that's odd coming from me because usually I hold a generations-old grudges against games with sub-par game mechanics.

Warhammer 40K,Warhammer 40000,Warhammer 40000: Mechanicus,Mechanicus,Adeptus Mechanicus,Video Game,Gaming,Tech Priests,Necrons,

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