
Personal Energy & Quantum Physics

Personal Energy & Quantum Physics Over the past couple of years Ive been learning and researching a lot about sexual energy and how when we engage intimately with others it impacts us, on not just a physical level but also energetic and emotional .... waaaaaay after the actual act takes place.⁠

Ive played with the commitment of clearing that space and energy and being very discerning with who i personally share that space with. Ive personally experienced the contrast of both sides of the experience (having not been so discerning in the past).⁠

The results, of not only my own experience but also my research, are more and more fascinating. Ive compiled all that ive learnt into a workshop that will be incorporated into a few events ill be presenting at in the near future.⁠

My intention for this is to help any women who desire a better relationship with themselves and also their partner or future partner. To understand and step into this incredible power that you hold within you.⁠

Would you be curious to know more?⁠


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