
Motorcycle Safety Inspector: “They Just Usually Forge My Name”

Motorcycle Safety Inspector: “They Just Usually Forge My Name” After a man lost a limb riding a motorcycle, he felt like there may have been something wrong with the motorcycle. It was wobbling a lot for a new bike. He hired Claude Wyle to investigate the case, and he made a shocking discovery: the man who is supposed to perform safety checks on each new bike usually never actually looks at them. This became a key piece of evidence in a case that resulted in a settlement for the injured motorcyclist.

Claude Wyle is a motorcycle injury attorney and partner at Choulos Choulos
& Wyle.

To learn more about investigating a motorcycle accident, contact him directly at 888-981-0826.

Learn more at his profile:


Well I got a call from this guy named Cruz. Cruz says, “I was horribly horribly hurt in a motorcycle crash and I really would like to talk to you.” And I said "OK Cruz, well what happened, and what's your injury?" And he said "I lost my leg. I was riding by myself and all of a sudden my motorcycle just started to wobble and I lost control and I hit a guy wire." I said, "So how do you think I can help you?" He said, "Well the bike only had 80 miles on it and it should have never started to wobble."

When our experts took apart that bike, they took it apart bolt by bolt, nut by nut, and what they learned was, although the steering was supposed to be torqued to a certain tightness, on two of the nuts, the steering was only hand tightened and that meant that the steering could have actually been loose.

We learned that the motorcycle shop who assembled the motorcycle, we learned that although their mechanic had written, had signed off on the piece of paper that says "I checked every nut and bolt and I checked the tightness and the torque of every crucial fastener", when I took that gentleman's deposition, he said. "No. They just usually forge my name.” They send it out to an operation down the street and they put the whole bike together in about a half hour.

After we were able to obtain a settlement to assure that he would be financially healthy for the rest of his life, Cruz took that passion for helping people and started his new work and his new work is designing and fitting and creating prostheses for people who have lost their limbs, especially people who have come back from Afghanistan and Iraq. And that's what Cruz is doing today.

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