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You have found yourself in a relationship where you, and your love are miles apart. Maybe it started out that way, or life happened, and one of you moved for employment or education reasons. Either way, you know that if this relationship is going to stand a chance, you are going to have to do things a little different to maintain your connection.
Let me just say that I do believe that a long distance relationship can work, but it takes commitment, a lot of patience, trust, and great communication. The success of a long distance relationship is based on the foundation of the relationship. If the relationship had issues and was shaky before the distance, it will not likely last. But if the relationship was solid, well grounded, and both people envisioned a similar future together, then the relationship has a strong chance of survival.
Do's Of Your Long Distance Relationship
Do Set Relationship Expectations/Goals

Do Set Ground Rules

Do Communicate Regularly

Do Visit Each Other

Do Know Each Other's Schedules

Do Facetime

Do Have Sexy/Flirty Phone Calls

Don'ts Of Long Distance Relationships

Long Distance Love...The Do’s And Don’ts Of Long Distance Relationships
Long Distance Love...The Do’s And Don’ts Of Long Distance Relationships
You have found yourself in a relationship where you, and your love are miles apart. Maybe it started out that way, or life happened, and one of you moved for employment or education reasons. Either way, you know that if this relationship is going to stand a chance, you are going to have to do things a little different to maintain your connection.

Let me just say that I do believe that a long distance relationship can work, but it takes commitment, a lot of patience, trust, and great communication. The success of a long distance relationship is based on the foundation of the relationship. If the relationship had issues and was shaky before the distance, it will not likely last. But if the relationship was solid, well grounded, and both people envisioned a similar future together, then the relationship has a strong chance of survival.

Do's Of Your Long Distance Relationship
Do Set Relationship Expectations/Goals
Do Set Ground Rules
Do Communicate Regularly
Do Visit Each Other
Do Know Each Other's Schedules
Do Facetime
Do Have Sexy/Flirty Phone Calls

Don'ts Of Long Distance Relationships

Don't Expect Perfection and Magic Every Time You See Each Other
Don't Look For A Place Holder While Apart From Your Love
Don't Be Dishonest With Each Other
Don't Make Bad Decisions On Nights With Friends
Don't Forget Why Your Love Is Important To You
Don't Drunk Call While Angry Or Upset
Don't Be Overly Needed Or Jealous

A long distance relationship will only work if those involved are independent, self-sufficient, and willing to work hard to maintain their relationship. Absence really can make the heart grow fonder. Absence can also shed light on some relationship problems, and perhaps show you what is not meant to be. A strong relationship should be able to survive distance, whether it is for a semester, or a year long deployment.
I personally know that a long distance relationship can work, but I also know the struggle as well. I have had two long distance relationships. My first long distance relationship didn't work, and I think that was because we were young, and not as committed as we needed to be to make it work. Immaturity, a lack of trust, and jealousy wreaked havoc on the relationship. The successful long distance relationship worked because there were lots of calls, love letters, and weekend visits to each other.
I am sure that many of you have experienced long distance love. I know people who have horror stories, and I also know some who were more in love and committed than ever before after reuniting, and being co-located. Moral of the story is that you both have to want it to work, but it also cannot be forced. What is your love distance relationship story? Please share your experience!

love,relationships,dating,blog,vlog,long distance,

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