Tip 2: Scam Alerts
Tip 3: Notario Scams
FTC.gov: How Myriam and Pedro Learned about Notario Scams (pdf)
FTC.gov: Cómo se enteraron Myriam y Pedro de las estafas de notario (pdf)
Tip 4: Resources to Avoid Immigration Scams
Tip 5: U.S. Government Website for Immigration Info
U.S. Embassy and Consulate websites:
Department of State, Consular Affairs travel website:
Department of State, Diversity Visa Lottery website:
Department of Homeland Security (DHS):
DHS, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services:
DHS, U.S. Customs and Border Protection:
DHS, Immigration and Customs Enforcement:
Department of Labor:
Tip 6: Immigrate to the United States
Tip 7: Work or Study in the United States
Tip 8: Check My Case Status (and more tools)
Tip 9: Good, Low-cost Legal Aid
Tip 10: Report a Scam
Thanks for learning more about Immigration Scams!
Have you been a victim of immigration fraud? Do you know about people who might be victims of fraud—or who are committing fraud? USCIS wants to make reporting suspected fraud easy.
email: Reportfraudtips@uscis.dhs.gov
Watch all the videos in the uscitizenpod: Immigration Scams Playlist