
TOO CLOSE by BLUE | Heart Uy and Mico Estavillo

TOO CLOSE by BLUE | Heart Uy and Mico Estavillo “A good friend knows all your best stories, but a BEST FRIEND has lived them with you” - anonymous.

Back in 2015 I had the opportunity to take dance classes in a workshop and I met you and other amazing dancers that were our age, I looked up to you and those other dancers as well. A few months later you and those dancers became my teammates. It felt good knowing that we shared the same love and passion for dance, which made it so much easier to spend almost everyday of my life with you. I also had the opportunity to conquer many world stages together with you, HHI 2016 Junior Division, WSB 2016, HHI 2017 Junior Division, World of Dance, and many more. These are just some of the stages I was able to share with you that have given me my greatest achievements in life so far, but the greatest memories i’ve spent with you are not seen on these stages, but are offstage. Being able to grow with you in both our dancing skills and ourselves as individuals, Ive learned a lot of things. From things as simple as learning to walk on the left and stand on the right side of an escalator to things as complicated as always trying to see the good or better side of things because that’s what matters. You’ve never failed to be there for me in both the good and bad times of my life, and for that I will forever be grateful. I wanna say thank you for all the times that you had my back and for all the times that you helped me to keep going especially during the times that I was ready to give up. Words cannot express how thankful I am to God that He has given someone like you in my life and I cannot stress this enough but, you’re the BEST best friend a teenage girl can ask for 😂 You get me in a way that no one else does, and you’ve helped me become a better version of myself. I wish that you will continue to help and inspire others as well like how you’ve helped and inspired me. And I wish you all the best in life not because it’s a cliche line that people say when its your birthday but because you deserve all the best in life. Happy Birthday to my acquaintance, friend, best friend, companion, brother from another father, body guard, playmate, dance partner, and many other identities you’ve lived up to just to be the BEST, best friend to me. There are no right words to explain how THANKFUL I am for you so instead lets continue to make more memories and I promise i will always be here for you like how you were there for me 🙂


Choreography: Michael Earvin Agas
Video: Romel Manila

#TooClose #HeartAndMico #HeartUy #MicoEstavillo

Heart Uy,Mico Estavillo,Heart and Mico,VPeepz,

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