
Subject and Predicate in English Grammar

Subject and Predicate in English Grammar Subject and Predicate in English grammar
What is subject?
What is predicate?

Every sentence has two parts.
1. Subject
2. Predicate
The part which names the person or thing we are speaking about is called the subject of the sentence.
Usually the subject of the sentence comes at the start of the sentence but sometimes at may come at the last. For example; here comes the bus. In this sentence the subject is bus which comes at the end of the sentence.
The part which tells something about the subject is called the predicate of the sentence.

Examples of subject and Predicate:
Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
In this sentence Islamabad is the subject and “is the capital of Pakistan” is predicate because it tells us about the subject.
Mr. Zakir Naik has a good memory.
In this sentence Mr. Zakir Naik is the subject and
Has a good memory is the prediate because it tells us about the subject which is Dr. Zakir Naik.

Look at this Example
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
In this sentence the subject is “The Earth” while revolves around the sun is the predicate because it tells us about the Earth(subject).
Some students think that The subject is the one which only does something but this concept is wrong because if look at the above sentences like
Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
Dr.Zakir Naik has a good memory.
In both these sentences the Subjects do not perform something but they are being described only.
So this has to be noted that
“The part of the sentence which names the person or thing we are speaking about is called the Subject Whether it does something or only being described”

3. Mr. Sadiq asked me to go to the store.
4. Bad habits grow unconsciously.
5. The bank opened at 09:30 today.
6. The car is white.
7. The people in the house are having a party.
8. The horse ran in the field.
9. Salman rode his bike to school.
10. Aslam likes to play cricket.
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Subject & Predicate,Subject and predicate,subject and predicat,Subject in English Grammar,Predicate,Subject of sentence,Predicate in grammar,Learn English Grammar,English Grammar,فقرے کا سبجی,انگلش گرامر,انگریزی سیکھیں,predicate of sentence,subject definition,predicate definition,subject meaning,predicate meaning,subject in grammar,examples of subject,examples of predicate,what is subject,what is predicate,subject definition urdu,predicate in urdu,

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