
香港魚塘生態保育計劃 Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme

香港魚塘生態保育計劃 Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme 水鳥與魚塘的關係息息相關,很多水鳥依賴魚塘作為覓食及棲息地,假如傳統的淡水魚養殖業可以持續下去,魚塘對水鳥的生態價值也得以保障。




Birds are closely related to Fishpond aquaculture, as fishponds provide habitats for them. Sustaining freshwater fishery and operation of fishpond helps to enhance the ecological value of this kind of wetland habitats for birds.

Fishponds have high ecological value due to its high biodiversity. It is also breeding ground and roosting site for amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and insects such as dragonflies, fireflies etc. The Management Agreement aims to enable all, including human, birds and other living organisms, to meet their needs and attain a state of equilibrium.

The Management Agreement has been implemented since 2012. A new project “eco-fish” was introduced into the scheme during project period 2017-2019. The project aims to rear pond fish with environmental friendly practice and promote to the public, raising their awareness of and demand for local pond fish. Ecological baseline surveys, promotion and educational activities are organized. More art activities are organized to increase the varieties of activities and enhance public awareness and participation in fishpond and wetland conservation.

香港觀鳥會,香港魚塘生態保育計劃,香港有魚塘,Hong Kong bird watching society,Hong Kong fishpond conservation scheme,

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