
Death Gate (1994) - Ways to Lose

Death Gate (1994) - Ways to Lose A compilation of ways to lose or be killed in Death Gate by Legend Entertainment (time stamps below), an adventure game designed by Glen Dahlgren as an adaptation of the Death Gate Cycle fantasy books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. You play as Haplo, a Patyrn exploring the realms shattered by Sartan wizards long ago for the means to reform the world and help your master Lord Xar conquer the world. Unfortunately, in this video the only thing beyond the Death Gate is death.

Pretty sure these are most deaths. There are a few variants that change a line that I may not have included (but note below in the time stamps). If I did miss one, do let me know!

0:00 Wake up an elf wizard to be enslaved
0:27 Mess up elven god business and be snuffed out by their wizard
1:14 Wait for elves to board and kill you (slight variant if you try to get off the ship, same death only you bump into them)
1:30 Ignore the suggestion to hide from murderous elves
1:53 Try to go back up the stairs to meet the murderous elves
2:06 Come out of your hiding place and be killed
2:21 Miss your opportunity to signal help
2:52 Try to jump a highly skilled assassin with rusty shears (this is the same death message from attacking Hugh in the treasure room)
3:08 Buy a drink in a seedy bar
3:58 Try to kill Hugh while wearing an amulet that makes you invulnerable to harm
4:22 Wait patiently to be initiated into the assassin's guild (spoiler alert: you fail)
5:17 Death by not following instructions
5:30 Discovered in the statue room by Hugh (same death if you take too long in the treasure room)
5:47 Killed by Hugh after stealing treasure
6:47 Attack the guard (Attacking Hugh gives the same message as attacking him in the bar)
7:02 Deal with Hugh and the guard then summon them back to kill you
7:34 Death by animal cruelty
8:07 Attack the tytans with rusty shears (You can attack them at the end of Pyran when the tytans are working in the Citadel for this same death message)
8:28 Jump into the Maw
9:17 Zifnab kills you after you boast about wiping out the Sartan
11:19 Attack a giant spider on its turf
11:45 Get stung repeatedly by deadly insects
12:42 Attack the tytans while they're distracted by the magic melody
12:57 Can't run away from the tytans? Run towards them!
13:36 Wait for the tytans to reclaim their relic
13:50 Snake charmer
14:08 Succumbing to poison
15:40 Stuck in the body of a dog when your body dies from poison
16:50 Patryns and Sartans hate one another, so reveal you're a Patryn to a powerful Sartan wizard
18:03 Cast Self-Immolation
18:24 Cast Swap on Jethro while he holds the snake
18:46 Take the book from the dead nanny (after getting the dwarf to follow you)
19:01 Talk to Jethro with the snake puzzled solved
19:14 Caught by guards in the palace
19:57 Blasted into dust by mad Sartan ruler (minor variant of him catching up to you in the labyrinth - just doesn't mention the prince)
20:27 Kleitus catches up to you while possessing the dog
21:02 Enter the lava pool
21:13 Do nothing when a dragon threatens to kill you and destroy your soul
22:44 Attack the evil dragon as a dog
23:27 Linger near the evil dragon who wants to kill you
23:36 Go insane from holding evil dragon scales for too long
24:14 Try to outrun tiger men (Slight variant if you move towards them by the choke vines - same death message except you blunder into them).
24:46 Tiger men catch you
25:09 Attack the tiger men with your shears
25:18 Tiger men slaughter your people from taking too long to help
25:51 Attack the group of tiger men by the shield
26:02 Headman casts neck snap in your magical duel (if you cast cold instead, same death but he shivers before the spell wears off)
26:29 Let the tracker die
27:01 Let the tracker die when you aren't in the village
27:18 Told wounding a Chaodin spawn more to attack you so hurt it in a non-fatal manner that spawns a horde of them
28:08 Don't use the important stone you've been carrying around that the evil dragon hates before it decides to kill you
28:51 Tentacle monster eats you
29:17 Cast Possession on the tentacle monster

29:52 Finale Scene
34:36 Evil dragon decides to kill you with fire too
35:00 Place the Air Seal when you need water to stop dragon fire
35:12 Place the Earth Seal when you need water to stop dragon fire
35:24 Evil dragon becomes an evil slug and devours you
36:12 Place the Air Seal when you need rocks to stop a slug
36:29 Ghost dragon suffocates you
37:23 Take too long to defeat the evil dragon for good
38:22 Trigger the Reformation spell and kill lots of people offscreen

Death Gate is unfortunately not available (it was briefly available through GOG but isn't any longer). Your best bet is getting a CD through third-party sellers like Ebay and using DOSBox to get it working.

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