
Daily Tarot 14th August 2019 🎨A new way of life beckons you to shine 🎨

Daily Tarot 14th August 2019  🎨A new way of life beckons you to shine 🎨 Hello my name is Ruth I am an empath, a light worker and intuitive reader my messages are divinely guided from Spirit and are given with love.

If you would like to book a private reading with me or simply reach out to me privately please contact me on the following email address.

Also you can support my channel by leaving a donation to the following link.

Thank you for your continued support wishing you all a joyful, a peaceful and a truly blessed day 🕊


This reading should be viewed as "entertainment only" it does not substitute for the consultation of medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. This reading is not legally binding


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