
Consulting FAQ #5 – What kind of people really make it as a consultant?

Consulting FAQ #5 – What kind of people really make it as a consultant? “Big shots are just little shots who kept shooting.” – Harvey Mackay

It sounds snarky, but it’s true! The #1 measure of your success as a consultant is this: are you committed to your own success? Do you want it badly enough to …

1. Do good work
2. Be a hungry learner
3. Keep trying (stand up when you get knocked down)
4. Turn your hiccups into lessons (learn from your mistakes)

I have hired and launched thousands of consultants and I can tell you with absolute certainty: if you want it, and you’re willing to work for it, you WILL succeed! But hey ... that’s true in any job, isn’t it?

Now, there ARE some other common denominators among highly successful consultants. In this short video, I will share the top 5 attributes of successful consultants.

P.S. Not all consultants “look the part.” Some people think you need to look and act like a Hollywood star to make it as a consultant. That’s not true at all. Highly-paid, happy consultants come from all walks of life. Contrary to popular opinion, many of them are quiet and unassuming. Most of them are NOT the flashy, you’d-make-a-great-model types.

With that, I will wrap with one of my favorite quotes about success:

“The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting.” – Walt Disney

So true! So true! I hope you'll give yourself the chance to get more money, more freedom and more fun out of work. Consulting is a terrific way to do that. - Catherine

Career,Consulting,Job Search,Job Hunt,Arbez,Catherine Byers Breet,

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