
Codeigniter hello world example | How CodeIgniter work? Part 4

Codeigniter hello world example | How CodeIgniter work? Part 4 How CodeIgniter work?
◍Explain all the details about URL of codigniter and how to start a hello world program, or you can also have developed your custom URL function.
◍Explaining about config.php and routes.php
◍Explain URL syntax for beginners
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CodeIgniter tutorial for beginners 2019
Directory structure CodeIgniter | Folder & file structure codeigniter

application : In the directory/folder that will contain your application
logic code. You are working in this directory/folder.
system : In this directory/folder contains the framework core files
(related to the CodeIgniter framework).
Note: I’m not suggest you to make changes in the system
directory or put your own application code into this
user_guide: In this directory/folder contains the user manual for

◍ cache : stores for cached files
◍ config : keeps configuration files of codeigniter framework
◍ controller : all application controllers are defined in this
◍ core : contains custom core classes that extend system files.
For example, if you create a base controller that other
controllers should extend, then you would place it in
this directory
◍ helpers : this directory is used for user-defined helper functions
◍ hooks : for custom hooks
◍ language : to store language files for applications that use more
than one language
◍ libraries : to store custom created libraries
◍ logs : application log files are kept in this directory eg. Error log
◍ models : all application models should be defined in this
directory (Database related file)
◍ third_party : used for custom many packages that you or other
developers have created.
◍ views : views go into this directory eg. Like HTML pages

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