
Your invitation to the burn out busting Success Mindset Masterclass, 2019

Your invitation to the burn out busting Success Mindset Masterclass, 2019 Are you the kind of person who has done a whole bunch of training, a whole bunch of courses, you know in theory, what you need to do, but you don't seem to be able to make it work. You don't know how to pull it together.
You don't know how to execute.
You don't know how to implement.
You know you could have done more marketing, you know you could build more revenue.
You know you could have the type of lifestyle that you dream for, but there are missing pieces. It just feels like you don't know how to connect all the dots or put the right piece in the right place. If this sounds like you and you would love to see the last quarter of 2019 through with renewed energy, momentum, knowledge and skills to do the right thing at the right time, then let me personally invite you to come along to LA for the Success Mindset Master class.
I've created this masterclass for ambitious driven clinicians who know that the truth of the matter is if we don't look after ourselves to do the work that we love to do, we will not be able to sustain the work for the people we want to serve. I talk about three things to build a successful private practice.
We've got to know who we are, who we serve, and that will allow us to connect with the people we are best able to serve. The problem is so many people jump into marketing tactics. They jump into what Facebook algorithm they need to be using or how to write their psychology today profile or how to do this or how to do that and they forget about themselves.
And I can assure you after 10 years of running my own private practice and 20 years of trying to be an exceptional clinician, that if I don't take care of myself first, and if I don't spend the time working out who I am and who I want to be as this practitioner, then everything else falls apart.
So this is a two day Success Mindset Master class is an immersive experience. It's small, and it's for all the cool kids. We're having a maximum of 25 people in the room.
You will have the opportunity to connect and workshop. It's not just about new information, it's about letting go of the stuff that is holding you back.
It's actually about re identifying with those things that make you strong and powerful. Those things that will help you craft your message so that you can become the person of significant influence that you want to be.
So there's lots of details for you on the website below. There's lots of details for you all over the interwebs, but I wanted to personally invite you. If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, then reach out.
Let me know. Let's connect and let's make this change happen so that we don't have to keep reinventing.


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