
Prayer of Salvation and Protection ( Seal of the Living God )

Prayer of Salvation and Protection ( Seal of the Living God ) Recite this prayer daily to bind you to the Heart of God the Father thus invoking His Heavenly Protection.
Only those with the Seal of the living God will escape a form of the genocide of the soul.
Your home will not be seen. It will be invisible to the enemy. Medal of Salvation will protect such refuges.
The Seal will sustain all during persecution, domination and war, and any kind of persecution.
There will be many Divine powers associated with the Seal.
They will not have to accept the Mark of the Beast. They will be protected against the Mark of the beast.
They will have the Graces to defend the Word, to remain true to God, to protect their faith with courage. May 17, 2012
They will be given relief from their suffering when all things seem unbearable.
The Seal will enable them to overcome the opposition they will face when Christianity will be brutalized.
Seal will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars.
They will become immune to the suffering which the AC will inflict on the world.


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